As many of our loyal readers know, we invited people to take a survey on marketing charitable gift annuities recently, and this month’s Marketing Corner gives some insight into what we’re all doing. With our first question, we tried to get a feeling about whether there were more, fewer, or about the same number of new donors to CGAs in the time period from 2013 to now. Your experiences were almost equal in those three categories! Interesting…
Finally, it’s nice to see some data regarding mailing timing, and we are not surprised to see that the time of year is not as relevant as other things, like the list or message.
Of the 20% of organizations who did change their gift and/or age minimums, the majority raised the minimum gift age to 65 and the gift amount to $25,000.
And of those who are using a new marketing technique to promote CGAs, electronic wins: email, websites, and specific landing pages.
We were pleased with the volume of responses, more than 330, and appreciate the hundreds of comments that were added to questions with open-ended sections. We will publish the full statistical results and the themes from the comments in a future Marketing Corner.