PG Calc Blog

Preparing and Sending 1099R Tax Forms for Donors

Written by Gary Pforzheimer | Mar 9, 2017 10:00:00 AM

When it comes to administering planned gifts, many charities seek outside help.  Why?  Because a well administered planned giving program means happy donors.  The Gift Administration team here at PG Calc provides our customers with the highest quality service and the peace of mind that comes with knowing their donors' needs will be met. 

Most recently, the PG Calc Gift Administration team prepared 12,000 1099-R tax forms for donors across the country on behalf of our clients. Here’s Mike Morico, the bulk mail technician at the Post Office here in Cambridge, with some of last year’s batch. Mike has been helping us get our 1099-Rs mailed out for years, and he also helps us with the IRS discount rate postcards that we mail to our Planned Giving Manager software clients every month. A reliable partner! Yes, it’s too late to have us prepare your 1099-Rs this year, but call us if you want us to make Mike’s cart even heavier next year and get peace of mind they will be in good hands!