PG Calc Blog

Have You Participated in the ACGA’s Survey of Charitable Gift Annuities Yet?

Written by Bill Laskin | May 12, 2021 9:00:00 AM

The American Council on Gift Annuities’ (ACGA) Survey of Charitable Gift Annuities is the best source of data there is on gift annuities and gift annuity programs. Right now, the ACGA is conducting its latest nationwide survey of charitable gift annuity programs and you can help! Please consider participating in this enormously valuable survey.

The data collected in the ACGA’s quadrennial survey have helped thousands of charities build, evaluate, and/or strengthen their gift annuity programs. A report of the survey results will be sent to all survey participants who provide their email address at the end of the survey, as well as to all ACGA sponsors.

The ACGA deadline for the online survey is through June 15, 2021 (extended from May 15, 2021). You can access the survey here:

It will be useful to have information about annuity activity from your most recent fiscal year handy as you begin the survey. You can also access a PDF of the survey. It will help you prepare your answers prior to beginning the online survey. You will be able to exit and re-enter the survey as needed until you click done.

If you experience technical issues accessing the survey, email or call Alicia Gilbert at or (770) 874-3355. For all other inquiries, contact Kristen Jaarda, Chair of the ACGA Research Committee at

Thank you for considering participating in the ACGA’s Survey of Charitable Gift Annuities!