On June 1, 2023, the IRS made public Treasury Decision 9974 (TD 9974). TD 9974 contains final regulations relating to the use of actuarial tables in valuing annuities, interests for life or a term of years in property, and remainder or reversionary interests in property.
A change of immediate importance to gift planners, TD 9974 requires use of the 2010CM mortality table when computing the deduction for a gift annuity, charitable remainder trust, or other split-interest gift made on or after June 2, 2023.
Key Provisions for Gift Planners
Provisions in the final regulations of particular interest to gift planners:
Analysis of 2000CM vs. 2010CM
For our analysis of Table 2000CM versus Table 2010CM and advice on the situations where a donor should choose each one, see our blog post published shortly after the IRS made the proposed regulations public.
When PG Calc Software Will be Updated?
We expect to update our planned gift illustration software within a week to reflect the transition period date range defined in the final regulations. In the meantime, when performing calculations for a gift made on or after June 2, 2023, be sure to choose Table 2010CM as the IRS mortality table. In PGM Anywhere, you make this choice in the Date-Lives-Term window. In Planned Giving Manager (desktop), you make this choice in the Gift Date-IRS Discount Rate window. If the gift is for a fixed term of years, you do not need to choose a mortality table.
While we expect the final regulations scheduled to be included in the Federal Register on June 7 to be identical to the final regulations the IRS published on June 1, they cannot be considered truly final until they appear in the Federal Register. We will update this blog, as needed, once we have a chance to review the final regulations in the Federal Register.