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5 Marketing Lessons Gift Planners Can Learn...from Infomercials

infomercials and gift planning
We know that nonprofits can learn from for-profits,
especially when it comes to marketing.
But infomercials? Really?

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According to Rohit Bhargava, an influential marketing speaker, infomercials help to sell over $4 billion of products and services annually. That does not mean your next gift marketing campaign will be on late night television! The five steps underlying the success of infomercials, however, do hold some valuable marketing lessons for gift planners, as well:


Infomercials... Planned Giving
Marketing Should...

1. Have a backstory:
    your mission

learn_from_infomercials_backstory_2credit: The Morton Arboretum


2. Show the gift in action

learn_from_infomercials_gift_in_actioncredit: Tufts University


3. Use donor stories

learn_from_infomercials_testimonials2credit: KCTS-9 (Seattle PBS)


4. Make a specific offer

learn_from_informercials_offer2credit: American Heart Association



5. Convey a sense of urgency

learn_from_informercials_urgency2credit: JDRF’s Legacy Challenge


Your turn! What "tacky" tactics have worked for your campaigns in the past? Share in the comments below. Who knows? There might be a Flowbee in it for the best idea :)


We're not afraid to say we borrowed a few ideas
from the for-profit marketing world when we were
creating our Marketing Services. 







Ann McPherson leads PG Calc's consulting efforts relating to marketing planned giving. Her contribution to marketing strategy and tactical implementation to clients is invaluable. In addition to her expertise with nonprofit marketing, Ann also has considerable experince with online marketing, business development, and brand management,



Left images credit Rohit Barghava

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