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Using Buttons to Strengthen your Calls-to-Action

Many of you are probably making use of email to drive traffic to your organization’s website. Driving traffic to your website is a smart idea, no matter what you’d like to motivate your prospect to do – read a success story, opt-in to continue to learn more about life income gifts to your organization, or even use your planned gift calculator to model a planned gift.

Here are some tips for effective calls to action:

1. Let your prospect know exactly what happens next.
Don’t include a call-to-action that says “Model my gift” that leads to a form to fill out and is followed up by a call from a gift planner. Your prospect’s expectation is that the functionality is behind that link, and they won’t have to wait for it.  

2. Be explicit on your button text.
One great use of buttons is to provide some “punch” and action to the end of a narrative. Suppose you send an email to supporters with a story about a student success story, or a new exhibit, or a new capital project.

Create buttons that are more expressive than “Learn More,” such as:




3. Write with a purpose in mind.
The best calls to action follow content that is intended to inspire a specific next step.  

    An effective call-to-action is the key to getting individuals to click-through to your desired next step. Historically, “Contact us” might have been a call-action. More likely, you’re calls to action now will look more like “Run a calculation now” or “Model my gift.” 

    Thinking about what you want your prospect to do next is critical to determining how to influence the next destination – will it be your home page, an existing page on your site, or a dedicated landing page designed for a specific effort? 

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